Prioritizing mental health and stress management at work is becoming imperative. 81% of employees say they will be looking for workplaces that support mental health in the future.

My customized workshops are designed to promote employee wellbeing and enhance team cohesion while promoting a positive work culture.

I Customize an Experience for Your Wellness Goals

Every team has a different need. That’s why I co-create workshops, events and experiences that work for your unique challenges and goals. Whether it be to reduce stress, improve team cohesion, or improve overall wellbeing, we can put together an experience to meet your goals. Ultimately, a happy, healthy team benefits everyone.

  • Guided Breathing and Stress Management: Learn practical techniques to manage stress and promote relaxation through guided breathing exercises. I provide valuable tools to help employees cope with daily stressors and improve overall mental wellbeing. Beyond tools and techniques, we actually experience a guided breathing session together.

  • Creativity Enhancement: Enjoy activities and exercises designed to stimulate creativity, boost innovation, and encourage out-of-the-box thinking. Cultivating wonder and childlike joy can rewire the brain out of the stress response and into a state of ease.

  • Emotional and Mental Resiliency: Learn techniques to help employees better understand and prioritize their mental wellbeing, reducing stigma and promoting a supportive workplace culture.

Benefits are for Everyone

Investing in workplace wellbeing yields numerous benefits. Here are just a few to get you started:

  • Improved Morale: Employees feel valued and supported, leading to increased job satisfaction.

  • Enhanced Productivity: Happy and healthy employees are more engaged and productive.

  • Reduced Absenteeism and Turnover: By addressing stress and promoting mental health, organizations can reduce absenteeism and turnover rates.

  • Stronger Team Relationships: My workshops foster collaboration, communication, and trust among team members.

  • Increased Energy: Participants leave feeling refreshed, energized, and ready to tackle challenges.

Virtual or In-Person Sessions Available

I work within your budget and offer flexible options to accommodate your team's needs and preferences, whether you prefer virtual sessions or in-person workshops.

Personalized For Your Audience

Whether you're interested in a one-time event or an ongoing program, I'll work with you to create the perfect solution for your team. Let’s chat!

Client Testimonial - Marriott Hotel

Team Synergy Events & Leadership Alignment Retreats

"I reached out to Cindy because our leadership team was facing significant challenges and changes in the aftermath of COVID-19. The workplace had evolved, new leadership styles emerged, and we faced the challenge of reintegrating team members who had been furloughed or let go.

We engaged Cindy to lead a half-day retreat focused on leadership alignment. Through engaging exercises and insightful conversations, she created an environment that encouraged us to connect on a deeper level. Her approach was truly transformational. 

One week later, the impact was undeniable. Our team was communicating better, sharing more, and  carrying a more positive and focused energy. I'm incredibly thankful for Cindy and her expertise in facilitating this leadership workshop. It has already made a significant difference for my team. I highly recommend working with Cindy if you want to bring renewal, clarity, and realignment to your team. 

- Jerry McHugh | Director of Engineering, Marriott

Client Testimonial - eCapital Corp

Weekly Virtual and In-Person Breathing Sessions for 4 Years

“I had the pleasure of working with Cindy for more than 5 years. During that time I got to participate in a breathing program she started and ran at our company.  Thanks to Cindy’s expertise and personalized approach, I have recognized its impact on my overall well-being.


The sessions were well structured, balancing theory with practical exercises.  She created an environment of peace, calm and trust, for many in the middle of what could often be chaotic work days.


One standout quality of Cindy is her adaptability. Amidst the challenges of the pandemic, she seamlessly transitioned to remote sessions, maintaining the same level of engagement and effectiveness. The online format didn't hinder the quality of instruction; if anything, it showcased Cindy's commitment to their students' well-being, ensuring continuity during uncertain times.


Cindy’s deep knowledge of breathwork and mindfulness techniques has not only helped me manage stress but has also enhanced my overall mental clarity and focus.  I highly recommend Cindy to anyone looking to improve their breathing techniques and unlock the many benefits it brings to both physical and mental health.”


- Courtney Ford | Director of Marketing, eCapital